I extend my sincerest appreciation to all of you - my esteemed mission partners from the maintenance staff, faculty, students, parents and administrators - for all your gestures of support before, during, and after my installation as the 4th University President of our beloved USI. Gratitude emanates from the recognition of being loved and loving in return. May it flow not just from our hearts and spirits, but also unfailingly find expression in our words and actions. I feel both elated and humbled by the prospect of this new mission, which is at once incredibly challenging and equally compelling, an awe-inspiring privilege of a high calling.
Nurturing and safeguarding the University's rich heritage and educational legacy is a formidable responsibility. However, the courage and fidelity demonstrated by the first six Daughters of Charity inspire us to rise to this challenge and soar even higher.
Reflecting on the installation day, I felt reassured, being surrounded by people filled with high hopes and grand dreams for ONE USI. June 3 and 4, 2023, just two days later, marked the 4th Centenary of the "Light of Pentecost". This event brought to mind the day when St. Louise de Marillac received a life-altering revelation from the Holy Spirit. Like St. Louise, I consider this moment highly significant as I entrust my stewardship of the USI mission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Hand in hand, may we always be enlightened to do God's holy will and continue to serve humanity through excellence and service, while remaining open to adaptations in our educational mission to suit the changing times.
With God's grace, we acknowledge the rich legacy of our past, the vibrant excitement of our present, and the robust, sturdy foundation for our future. Therefore, your exceptional commitment to our shared mission, whether in a big or small capacity, will continue to be highly valued and appreciated in the years to come. Thank you all for your commitment to going above and beyond. You are invaluable to this institution in numerous ways. Please extend my gratitude to your families as well, who have been equally supportive of the University's mission.
The torch has been lit; let us keep the fire burning brightly in our minds and hearts, sustained and nourished through prayer.
Thank you very much and God bless you all dearly.
Sr. Teresita A. Abastillas , DC
University President
Offices under the Office of the President
Office of the President Staff
Strategic Plan
Former Presidents

Sr. Teresita A. Abastillas, DC
University President