It is a division of the Universidad de Sta. Isabel tasked to promote, nurture and safeguard the Catholic and Vincentian quality of the institution in its “structures, programs, practices, events and celebrations” (Admin. Manual, 43) and to ensure that Vincentian service/ mission is integrated in the witnessing and practice of every member “through actions that favor the deprived sectors of society” (PCSS, Standard 4).

A transformed USI school community of Students, Lay Mission Partners and stakeholders witnessing to the Reign of God in our present society, specifically:
Centered on Jesus Christ, his teachings and values, as well as the teachings of the Church.
Following the inspiration of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac and Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, in their love for persons in poverty situations
Imitating Mary as faithful disciple of Jesus
Celebrating the Word and the Eucharist as a faith community centered in the person of Jesus Christ.
“Participating in the evangelizing mission of the Church” ((PCSS, 9), the Christian-Vincentian Identity and Mission (CVIM) hopes to realize its goal and mission through its PROGRAM COMPONENTS, namely:
Christian Living Program / Religious Education
Vincentian Formation
Campus Ministry: Recollection/Retreat Ministry
Community Extension Service and Advocacies Program

Christian Living Program / Religious Education
Envisions a community of Filipino /Catholic learners whose lives are transformed, showing their fidelity--
to the way of Jesus: his teachings, values, preferential love for the poor, and his commitment to build the Reign/Kingdom of God;
to the teachings of the Church
following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Vincentian Foramation Program
Envisions USI as a community Christian-Vincentian disciples that is
-formed in the spirit, values, teachings, and mission of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac, and consequently, lead them to be
engaged and committed to the work of Mission and Charity as prolongations of the Founders in the midst of today’s realities.

Community Extension Service
and Advocacies Program
Envisions a community of Filipino /Catholic learners whose lives are transformed, showing their fidelity--
to the way of Jesus: his teachings, values, preferential love for the poor, and his commitment to build the Reign/Kingdom of God;
to the teachings of the Church
following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Campus Ministrty:
Retreat and Recollection
Envisions USI as a school community that is
-animated by the celebration of the sacraments especially of the Eucharist, the heart of their Christian life---a celebration that is creative, contextualized, and alive;
-committed to deepening their personal relationship and encounters with Jesus Christ through experiences of prayer, recollection/retreat, bonding and praying in small faith groups, reflecting and sharing on the Word of God, enlivening campus life through participation in opportunities for sharing of giftedness in the spirit of volunteerism and mission --- living up to their identity as Vincentian disciple-makers.